Taking action for the ecosystem. Support the project to protect birds by planting as many trees as possible.
Passion for birds
When I immersed into the abundant nature in the Yucatán peninsula, my love for our feathered friends that I kept hidden in my heart since my childhood finally started to bloom. And it’s growing more and more every time I venture out to go bird watching with my binoculars. Did you know that the Yucatán peninsula is home to 564 bird species? Even just by strolling through Tulum town you can encounter many of them in the parks, backyards, tree-lined streets or restaurant gardens. Now my heart is fully open to learn everything I can about my beloved animals. Unfortunately, that also meant to find out that they and their habitats are in threat because of deforestation, urbanization and climate change. To survive, both migratory and resident birds need a healthy canopy of native trees providing them shelter and food.
Since Tuluminiña is dedicated to the environment, let’s put in some seeds together. Because birders, nature lovers and ornithologists agree: if you like birds – plant a tree.

Reforestation project
Did you know that birds control insect plagues, are busy pollenizers and distributers of seeds? And of course, they are beautiful to watch on a tour, too. And because trees are essential for a thriving bird population responsible for many ecological interrelations also we humans depend on, Tuluminiña started a permanent campaign to create healthy habitats for birds.
With “Arboles para Aves | Trees for birds” Tuluminiña plants a tree for birds for each tour in your name. But you can also support us from far away. Help us feathering our nest to plant as many trees as possible – your support makes us happy as a lark.
Tips for bird lovers
Here are some ideas for how to make your life a little bit more bird-friendly:
Drink shadow-grown coffee from an organic farm
Join the National Audubon Society or The Cornell Lab of Ornithology to support research about birds
Safeguard your windows by switching off lights and putting up decals
Help a child discover birds, e.g. with the amazing Audubon for Kids website
Plant local species with the help of this native plant finder (U.S. only)
Keep your cat indoors or build a so called “catio”, an outside patio for your cat separated from the garden
Video with birding impressions
Watch top birder Chris Bell from The Birders Show going birdwatching in the Yucatán Peninsula on the quest to see one of the rarest birds: the King Vulture, which is in danger of extinction. Also, get to know some other species of the Mayan jungle.
Get to know some birds of the Yuctatán peninsula.

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