Episode 10 – Violeta Giménez’ story: Making Tulum bloom with the conservation project Sendero Verde

If you ever thought that you might be too small or unknown to make a change, listen to this episode. Moved by the simple wish of herself and equally motivated next door friends to clean up their neighborhood and later accompanied by many volunteers, Violeta made it happen: she changed an unofficial garbage dump into a community park full of green space for plants and animals to thrive. 

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Violeta originally is from Córdoba, Argentina where she studied ecotourism. Thanks to her job in the hospitality industry she traveled the world and got in touch with different cultures around the globe in seven nomadic years. As a fellow traveler told her about Tulum, she knew she had to visit this place in Mexico. In 2011, she came to Tulum for the first time – and stayed. She worked in the hotel Casa Violeta on the beach and immediately was deeply touched by nature of the ancient Mayan lands. There, a magical moment with a sea turtle spoke to her heart so clearly what made her realize that she finally had found home. 

Her love for Tulum’s environment made her get active. Especially as she saw how ignorant some people treat it just in front of her own door. While living in the residential area of Villas Tulum, she observed that many inhabitants use an overgrown alley connected to the main avenue to get rid of their trash. This walkway wasn’t just only dark and dangerous in the nights, but also an awful sight during the day. With her neighbors Maria and Jesi she wanted to change that. Together they cleaned up the unofficial garbage dump around their houses and by that planted the seed for Sendero Verde.

Listen to our conversation about what it took so that the project could flourish, how important it is to do what you really love and what yummy stuff Violeta is creating next to her busy schedule coordinating her devoted team and helpers…

Through the years the neighbor initiative bloomed into a project for the whole town. As Sendero Verde grew fruits of being clean, safe, alive and loved by the residents as recreational space, also the city of Tulum recognized the value of area. The municipality now even sees it as role model to create similar areas around town. Today, Sendero Verde is deeply rooted into Tulum’s infrastructure. It is a safe way to walk home or your dog, ride the bike, recycle garbage, compost organics, appreciate colorful murals and playfully learn about the diversity of plants and animals in the urban environment just by strolling along the beautiful green paths. 

Volunteers are always welcome! Get in touch with Violeta and help planting trees, move the compost, clean the walkways, paint signs, built furniture, take care of the veggie patch or share your own ideas for a greener and more sustainable Tulum. 

Location of Sendero Verde

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Órale healthy snacks

What Tulum means to Violeta Giménez: HOME.
